FAQS - AviNectar
Is AviNectar safe?
AviNectar is free from any banned substances and is manufactured in Britain to human food grade standards.
Is AviNectar legal to use in competition?
AviNectar contains no substances that are prohibited or require a withdrawal period,
How do you feed AviNectar Race Recovery?
Feed daily at a feed rate 1.25ml per bird per day immediately after racing and for next two or three days. Ideally given in drinking water as first drink back from racing and then for next two to three days. Should be diluted in drinking water at a rate of 25ml of product per 1000ml of water.
How do you feed AviNectar Daily Boost?
Feed everyday at a feed rate 1.25ml per bird per day. Can be diluted in drinking water at a rate of 25ml of product per 1000ml of water or mixed with food at a rate of 1.25ml per bird per day.
Which product should I choose?
AviNectar Race Recovery - To help your pigeons replenish after racing. AviNectar Race Recovery contains a high concentration of our Enzyme Rich Malt Extract and also contains protein, electrolytes and B-Vitamins. If your first concern is ensuring your birds recover quickly, choose this product.
AviNectar Daily Boost - To help your pigeons maximise nutrition from your existing feed. AviNectar Daily Boost contains a lower concentration of Enzyme Rich Malt Extract and higher concentrations of B-Vitamins. If your first concern is improving your pigeon’s condition, choose this product.